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Climate Refugees

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FREE SCREENING AND DISCUSSION OF "CLIMATE REFUGEES" Among films screened at Planet in Focus a few months ago in Toronto was Climate Refugees; it then launched the Amnesty International Film Festival. It is a powerful, sobering film. This documentary was filmed in Bangladesh, Belgium, Chad, China, Denmark, Fiji, France, Germany, Holland, Ireland, Kenya, the Maldives, Poland, Switzerland,Tuvalu, UK and the US. It examines the creation - and migration - of hundreds of millions of climate refugees that will be displaced as a result of climate change. "Climate change is the threat multiplier for overpopulation, over-consumption and lack of natural resources. Our mission is to create a platform that will illuminate the facts about climate refugees, their lack of international protection, our national security issues and solutions to these civilization-altering issues." writer/director/producer Michael Nash Over the past 2 months a number of us in Toronto have collaborated to bring this important film to Toronto again. You are invited to:

WHAT: a free screening and discussion of Climate Refugees WHEN: 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm, Friday, April 29, 2011

WHERE: JJR Macleod Auditorium, Medical Sciences Building, I King's College Circle, University of Toronto. Background of the three speakers confirmed as resource people for the post-film discussion: Laura Westra, Ph.D., Ph.D. (Law) Recent Publications: Globalization, Violence and World Governance (May 2011) Alfredo Barahona, Program Coordinator, Migrant and Indigenous Rights, KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives Member of the World Council of Churches' Global Ecumenical Network on Migration Timothy Leduc, York University Author of: Climate, Culture, Change (January 2011) Let's fill the 500 seat capacity JJR Macleod Auditorium for this free screening and discussion of Climate Refugees. Please extend the invitation far and wide; please share it with your listservs, your Facebook contacts, your friends, your family, your MP, MPP, and Councillor... If you would like a file from which to make B/W flyers, please contact SPONSORED BY: Science for Peace, For Our Grandchildren, Greenspiration, Noor Cultural Centre, Toronto Climate Campaign ENDORSED BY: Citizens' Climate Lobby, Climate Action Network, Council of Canadians (Toronto), FutureWatch EDEP, Green Awakening Network, JustEarth, KAIROS, Oikos Network, People's Assembly (Toronto), SAFSS (Settlement Assistance and Family Support Services)

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