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Working Together, Saving Tomorrow Today


Join us on the Global Day of Action on Climate Change, December 3, 2011. This is midway through COP17, the 17th  Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which takes place from November 28 to December 9, 2011. Working Together, Saving Tomorrow Today is how it is framed. 
Please join us at Oakham Lounge, 2nd Floor of Oakham House, Ryerson University, 63 Gould St. on Saturday, December 3rd. As of 10 am we will hear speakers from Toronto and see supporting videos. We have a growing number of people on the ground in Durban who will skype in with live updates as their schedule permits. Discussion of action going forward will ensue. It is also anticipated that there will be a march with Occupy Toronto at 2 pm.
SATURDAY, December 3, 2011
      Oakham Lounge, 2nd floor, Oakham House
      Ryerson University, 63 Gould St.
        10 am on
  Speakers, videos (Patrick Bond on system change, Wild Law with Cormac Cullinan)
  Skype-in, live update from Durban. Those confirmed to date:
  Patrick Bonin (AQLPA, Association Québécoise de Lutte contre la Pollution Atmosphérique)
  Crystel Hajjar (CYD, Canadian Youth Delegation)
  Toby Davine (CYD, Canadian Youth Delegation)
  Hannah McKinnon (CAN,Climate Action Network)
  Steven Guilbeault (Equiterre)
  Richard Girard (Polaris Institute)
  Mardi Tindal (Moderator, United Church of Canada)
  Discussion, action going forward
  2 pm
    March in solidarity with Occupy Toronto
  Organized and hosted by:
    Toronto Climate Campaign
    Council of Canadians Toronto Chapter
    Toronto People's Assembly on Climate Justice 
    CESAR - Continuing Education Students' Association of Ryerson
  Coffee and a light snack will be available. Please BYO mug and lunch!
        If you are interested in tabling, please contact

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