Climate Justice Climate Action!
Climate Justice - Climate Action!
Celebrate Earth Day 2009 with a Climate Change Seminar & Public Forum!
Find out what Canada is doing in the fight against climate change & how you can make a difference.
Afternoon Seminar
Toronto – On Earth Day (Wednesday, April 22), join several of Canada's top climate change experts at an afternoon seminar and evening public forum to learn about Canada's role in the international effort to stop global warming.
WHEN: Wednesday, April 22, 2009
TIME: 3pm - 5pm
WHERE: The Center for Social Innovation • 215 Spadina Avenue, Toronto • View Map
COST: Free, but seating is limited. RSVP to:
The seminar will focus on ways Canada and the international community can carry-out an emergency program to stabilize the Earth's climate while preserving the right of all people to reach a dignified level of sustainable human development. This seminar will be of interest to activists, academics, advisors, and anyone interested in discussing Canada's role in the international community.
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Evening Public Forum
WHEN: Wednesday, April 22, 2009
TIME: 7pm - 9pm
WHERE: Steel Hall • 25 Cecil Street, Toronto • View Map
COST: Free. All are welcome!
Featured speakers:
Tom Athanasiou is the director of EcoEquity and the author of several books on climate change and environmental justice issues, including Divided Planet: The Ecology of Rich and Poor and Dead Heat: Global Justice & Global Warming.
Dave Martin is the Climate Change and Energy Coordinator of Greenpeace Canada, who will present Greenpeace’s recipe for kick-starting an energy revolution here at home.
These events are held by Climate Action Network Canada, Greenpeace Canada, and Oxfam Canada. Our thanks to the Heinrich Böll Foundation, the United Church of Canada and the Salamander Foundation for their support. Climate Action Network Canada is a coalition of more than 50 organizations from across the country working together to prevent catastrophic climate change and promote sustainable and equitable solutions.
For more info, contact Montana Burgess:
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