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Sponsorship and Endorsements

Sponsorship and Endorsements - Global Rally to Stop Global Warming 2008


     Act For The Earth                        Bangladeshi-Canadian Community Services (BCS) and Youth Peer Cabinet (YPC)                        Bangladeshi Students' Association at Ryerson University
     Bangladeshi Students' Association at UofT Scarborough                        Bangladeshi Students' Association at UofT St. George                        Bangladeshi Students' Federation at York University
     Canadian Federation of Students                        Canadian Youth Climate Coalition                        Citizens for a Safe Environment
     Community Coalition Against Mining Uranium                        Council of Canadians                        Continuing Education Students' Association at Ryerson
     Drishtipat                        Earthroots                        EcoSanity
     Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario (Toronto)                        Environmental Education Ontario                        GlobalAware Toronto
     Greenpeace Canada                        Greenspiration                        JustEarth
     KAIROS National & Toronto                        Now Magazine                        Peel Environmental Youth Alliance
     Physicians for Global Survival                        Polaris Institute                        Ryerson Students' Union
     Science for Peace                        Sierra Youth Coalition                        Solar and Wind Initiatives Towards Change (SWITCH)
     Students Against Climate Change (University of Toronto)                        Students of Toronto for Environmenal Progress (STEP)                        TakingITGlobal
     Tamil Youth Organization (TYO)                        Toronto Coalition to Stop the War                        Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA)
     UNITE/HERE local 75                        United Steelworkers local 1998                        University of Toronto Students' Union
     University of Toronto's Environmental Resource Network                        Women's Healthy Environments Network
Humberside Environmental Action Team - The Next Generation - University of Toronto Sustainability Commission

Sponsorship and Endorsements - The Sunshine Walk 2008

Key Sponsors

     Greenpeace                        David Suzuki Foundation                    Council of Canadians
      CFS - Canadian Federation of Students        CAN         NOW Magazine
      Toronto Climate Campaign (TCC)        


                Sierra Club Ontario                            Environmental Education Ontario (EEON)                                  KAIROS
       Le Secretariat des organismes environmentaux du Quebec             Greenspiration              Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA)             Grassroots
Drishtipat Canada (DP Canada) - HEAT: Humberside Environmental Action Team - KAIROS: Toronto Central, Great Lakes/St. Lawrence - Polaris Institute - Young Bangladeshi Canadian Professionals (YBCP) - and other faith and multi-cultural groups, ENGO’s, First Nations, Human Rights Organizations and Teachers and Student unions and groups.

Endorsement Letters

David Suzuki Foundation - Letter of Endorsement Sierra Club Canada - Letter of Endorsement


Sponsorship and Endorsements - Reclaim Earth Day 2008

Key Sponsors

     Greenpeace        CFS - Canadian Federation of Students            NOW Magazine                Stop Climate Chaos
               Streets Are For People                  CUPE 3902            CUPE 3903


          Sierra Club Ontario                OFL            Council of Canadians           UTSU
    No One Is Illegal              Taking IT Global              Climate for Change
                                                            CAN                       Community AIR                    CCAMU                    Act For The Earth                  KAIROS
               Students Against Climate Change               Earthroots             CUPE Ontario                                 Post Carbon Toronto                         itstimetoswitch                             Global Aware                Just Earth                      ETCAG                   TCSW
                WHEN: Women’s Healthy Environments Network      Greenspiration             SYC
                             CYCC                      Toronto Green Team                  CUSJ
ENJOI: Environmental Justice Organizing Initiative - HEAT: Humberside Environmental Action Team - Ryerson Green Campus Initiative - Continuing Education Students' Association of Ryerson - Steelworkers Toronto Area Council - Steelworkers Local 1998 - Stop The Plant - The Next Generation

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