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D8 Rally 2007

D8 Rally 2007

Toronto Climate Campaign - Dundas Square, December 8, 2008 - Misha


D8 (Dec. 8): Global Day of Action Against Climate Change - Toronto, Canada

This packed event was every bit as true to its word, an amazing experience that was not only well attended but well planned, right down to the dozens of police officers that discretely ensured order. Following up on last year's rally of a modest 200 attendees at Metro Hall, this year's event was easily ten times that! More than 2500 strong, marchers decked out in their 'protest' finery - hand-made signs and kids in tow - enjoyed a perfect December day that began with Toronto indie band, The New Kings. About a dozen speakers from numerous facets of the environmental movement took to the stage to call for immediate action from the representatives of Canada's federal government convening at the U.N. Climate Conference in Bali, Indonesia, in light of Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper's obstruction. Well done, Toronto!


Rally at Yonge-Dundas Square, Toronto

The rally was seamless and ran from about 12:15 to 1:45 pm. Speakers included Executive Director of Greenpeace Canada, Bruce Cox; Chair of the Canadian Federation of Students-Ontario (CFS-O), Jen Hassum; Executive Vice President of the Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL), Terry Downey; Federal NDP Leader, Jack Layton - accompanied by Marilyn Churley and Olivia Chow; Bangladeshi Community (BCS) Activist, Dewan Afzal; Executive Director of the Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA), Franz Hartmann; 12 year-old student activist, Misha Hamu, who brought the house down in both English AND French!; Green Party of Ontario representative Erich Jacoby-Hawkins; and Associate Professor at the Centre for the Study of Religion and the Centre for Environment at the University of Toronto, Stephen Scharper. An amusing moment: when Mr. Scharper dispelled confusion, to his relief, over the spelling of his last name - Scharper, NOT Harper! Other highlights included Jen Hassum's whimsical cell-phone call to the Prime Minister's office (see video below). While the ansering service was recording, the entire Dundas Square crowd was invited to yell "Kyoto! Now!" in unison. Special thanks to Food Not Bombs who cheerfully provided hot nourishment to all.


D8: CFS (Canadian Federation of Students) Ontario President, Jen Hassum - Leaves a Message for Stephen Harper

D8: Federal NDP Leader, Jack Layton


March up Yonge Street

Marching up Toronto's main thoroughfare was perhaps the most festive part of the event, and a welcome opportunity to warm and stretch stiff muscles. Congratulations to the good folks at Streets Are For People, who pushed - that's right, pushed! - that amazing petition car of theirs up Yonge street and across College Street during the entire 40 minute, 1.5 km journey to Queens Park. With sincere gratitude, D8 organizers would like to acknowledge the commendable work of Toronto's finest who officiated traffic control and effortlessly guided chanting and drumming marchers along the way.

Toronto Climate Campaign - March to Queen's Park - December 8, 2008


At Queen's Park

Arriving at about 2:30 pm, the rally continued with speakers that included Provincial NDP MPP for Toronto-Danforth, Peter Tabuns; Nominated Candidate and CEO of the Peter Tabuns; United Steelworkers', Michelle Robidoux, and Community Coalition Against Mining Uranium - and Grandmother - Donna Dillman, who conducted a 66 day hunger strike in opposition to Mining Uranium in Ontario! (see videos below)

D8: Provincial NDP MPP, Peter Tabuns


D8: CCAMU Anti-Uranium Mining Hunger Strike Activist, Donna Dillman

On Day 62 of her hunger strike, Community Coalition Against Mining Uranium's, Donna Dillman, gave the most moving speech of the day as she urged everyone to write to Ontario Premier, Dalton McGuinty, ASAP! Under a cloudless, blue sky, Donn'a speech punctuated the end of a great event. Revelers then proceeded to a packed eco-fair at Hart House that featured vendors and activists communicating information about all their good work, and a video screening area showing short films about the threat of climate change.


Toronto Climate Campaign, You Can Stop Climate Chaos, Buttons!

More than 500 Stop Climate Chaos buttons were sold to fundraise for the Toronto Climate Campaign. To purchase one
(or more), just send us an e-request here.
TCC ButtonsTCC ButtonsTCC Buttons

More D8 Pics

D8 pics by Bill Wrigley on
D8 pics by Tyson Williams on flickr 
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