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Global Rally 2008

Global Rally to Stop Global Warming 2008

Part of a Global Day of Climate Protest:
2008 Compilation video coming in January 2009!
2008 Endorsers
2008 Other related links
2007 Rally summary, pics and videos
More info: info[at], (647) 230-3257.

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The Toronto Climate Campaign endorses and promotes KYOTOplus, an urgent coalition petition effort calling on elected officials to ensure that Canada honours its Kyoto commitment and sets a national target to cut greenhouse gas emissions by at least 25% (from the 1990 level) by 2020. Act now for the future. Click here to sign the KYOTOplus Petition.




On Sunday, December 7, 2008, at Yonge-Dundas Square, Toronto, hundreds of Torontonians braved extreme weather to join with Canadians in cities across the country in support of the Global Day of Action to Stop Global Warming.

• This mobilization was to demand that the United Nations Climate Change Conference in PoznaƄ, Poland (Dec. 1-12) support deep greenhouse gas reductions.

• In Canada, the Harper government has failed to act on global warming and has blocked progress at previous climate meetings. The Canadian Government must take a stand against global warming at home and abroad.

• We demand that the government increase support for renewable energy, energy efficiency and green jobs.

• Sign and promote the KYOTOplus petition ( and join the campaign to ensure the Kyoto Protocol is strengthened and extended at the U.N. Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen (Nov. 30 - Dec. 11, 2009).

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Without a groundswell of public opinion, we risk a global catastrophe. There is an urgent need for radical action on global warming. Make Canada part of the solution to global warming.

Organized by the Toronto Climate Campaign

Part of a Global Day of Climate Protest


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More Pics: - John Bonnar - on flickr


The Toronto Climate Campaign endorses and promotes KYOTOplus, an urgent coalition petition effort calling on elected officials to ensure that Canada honours its Kyoto commitment and sets a national target to cut greenhouse gas emissions by at least 25% (from the 1990 level) by 2020. Act now for the future. Click here to sign the KYOTOplus Petition.


Click Here To Go To The Main (Detailed) "Global Rally To Stop Global Warming" Event Site

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