To learn more, please visit www.iweci.org
Online Solutions Forum - to spark project collaborations, sustainable business opportunities, and campaigns designed to advance long-term cross-cultural, cross-sector, cross-generational and cross-socioeconomic networking and mobilization.
International Day of Action (September 7, 2013) - creating a global photo mosaic of women promoting “Women for Earth and Future Generations”.
The International 100 Women Summit for Climate Change Action and Sustainability Solutions (September 20 – 23, 2013) in New York
- a gathering of 100 women leaders dedicated to addressing solutions for climate change and environmental degradation. With interactive live-stream vision hubs for worldwide participation.
Solution Spotlight, Projects & Action Campaigns - promoting best-practice solutions, on the ground sustainable projects that deliver benefits to both women and the environment, and engaging in projects, trainings and action campaigns focused on the most pressing issues.
The North American Gathering - date TBD , San Francisco. To engage women in the US to mobilize for resilient community trainings, green business networking, projects and in support of concerted climate and energy policies for the US.
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