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Hungry for Climate Leadership

Final Report of the Vigil and Fast at Minister of the Environment Mr. Peter Kent Office


The Toronto Climate Campaign wanted to send out a message to Mr. Kent (Minister of the Environment) that we didn't like the approach that was taken at the United Nations COP Meeting that happened in Durban, South Africa in December 2011 and the Canadian Government's reaction to dropping out of the Kyoto Protocol. In conjuration with that, Toronto Climate Campaign organized a Vigil and Fast, along with wanting to meet Mr. Kent. The latter didn't happen as Mr. Kent had scheduling constraints that didn't allow him to meet anyone from the groups that organized the event.


There were about 20 people who started to fast from Wednesday Morning on December 21st, to Thursday Morning on December 22nd, 2011. They were fasting in the wake of Mr. Peter Kent (Minister of the Environment) and his government's position to say they are going to pull out of the Kyoto Protocol in Canada (First Country in the world to say that). The people fasting were from Across Canada and even 1 people from San Diego, California who fasted for 5 people in response to what the Canadian Government did.


In the afternoon of December 21st, we had around 30 to 40 people come with us and walk in the heavy rain from Steels and Yonge to Mr. Peter Kent's Office in Thornill, Ontario. This walk was 30 minutes and was very nice as we were able to talk to many people who came out from different groups and ages, we had many seniors, to young people who wanted to delivery a message to the Canadian government. During our walk, we noticed that we were getting a police escort to Mr. Kent's office, and this didn't even think was possible. Once we arrived at the office, we say that there were 6 police offices just waiting there for us to show up, and they said we had to wait either in the parking lot or sidewalk. When we started to look around, and ask the police if some of us could go inside the office, they said “No one from the office is around, they closed down early.” We went out to the sidewalk and the grass in-front as to let the people in the cars know what we were protesting.


During the time we were there, there were a number of speeches given and people enjoyed being out there and delivery a strong message to Mr. Kent. People lit candles for the vigil and just started to sing and have a great time. At one point the head of the police came up to us, and started to ask why we were there, and wanted to know if we had anything to give to Mr. Kent. We had a 2 letters that people wanted to give Mr. Kent and 1 of them got delivered to his office. The other letter will be devliered to the office in the days ahead.


In the end, everyone enjoyed what was organized and want to plan for more of these to happen over the course of 2012.











Address of Vigil: 7600 Yonge Street, Thornhill Ontario and Map of Peter's Kent Constituent Office

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